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Nature-based Solutions

What are Nature-based Solutions?

Nature-based Solutions(NBS) are crucial to strengthen the actions taken to offset GHG emissions.

IUCN describes Nature-based Solutions (NBS) as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits”.

NBS takes inspiration to use the power of nature itself to solve complex challenges faced by the world today – food security, human health, climate change, natural resources degradation, rising sea levels, increasing natural calamities, declining biodiversity, change in phenology, untimely weather patterns amongst others. The ultimate goal of NBS is to safeguard human well-being, support society’s development goals and enhance the resilience of ecosystems.

What do we do?

We champion the implementation of Nature-based solutions for green projects and green financing. There are multiple areas wherein we engage NBS for effective climate action.

1. Climate:

• Reduction of GHG emissions 
• Improved nutrient cycling
• Restoring weather patterns

2. Community:
  • Strengthening of local management, enhancing leadership capacity and increasing environmental awareness through training activities for local and indigenous communities
  • Strengthening of local governance through improvements in the planning and implementation of land-use management practices
  • Assists the development of alternative livelihood activities through training and technical assistance
  • Enhance the well-being of the communities through project activities such as improved health care facilities, provisions for clean drinking water, and refurbishing educational infrastructure facilities.
3. Biodiversity :
  • Supports endangered and critically endangered species to adapt to climate change
  • Conservation of rare ecosystems like wetlands
  • Creation of wildlife corridors
  • Regeneration of natural habitat and its protection