Community Initiatives

At Green Climate Foundation, we continuously strive towards bringing together human and nature for an ecosystem that enables humans as well as nature to thrive in a greener, safer and healthier surrounding.
We strongly believe that community development, nature restoration and economic growth are all synced with each other. One of the most crucial focus areas for us, therefore, is the upliftment of weaker sections of society especially those in rural and remote locations. We aim to enable the community at large to progress to improve lives as the planet strides to a greener tomorrow.
The main aims of our community development initiatives are –

  • Holistic development of individuals, communities, and organizations at the community level
  • Enabling progress and growth in the sphere of rural health and rural livelihood
  • Transforming the socio-economic life of weaker sections of the society

Our initiatives ensure added benefits such as reduction of deforestation, reduction of environmental pollution, biodiversity conservation, health benefits to villagers and generation of employment to contribute towards our overall goal of a net-zero future.